Moving to a Retirement Community

The First Step

The resources on the following pages can help you be an active part of choosing your next step by evaluating your needs and preferences for living, hearing from people who have experienced the transition, and learn more about the many different types of retirement communities.

Explore your options.

Many adults find moving to a retirement community to be helpful when it comes to maintaining and/or developing new social relationships, pursuing hobbies, discovering new interests, remaining active, and accessing on-site services. As with any major life transition, it is always better to plan ahead rather than to be forced to make a rushed decision due to a medical emergency.

This resource was created to help explain possible strategies for moving to a retirement community. This resource is for general information only and not provide medical, legal, or financial advice. Seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns. Community care terms and definitions vary by state. This guide is specific to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Father and daughter looking at a laptop together.

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